bring your pet to school day
bring your pet to school day
Cover for ARLO
Cover for ARLO
pengy wall 3.jpg
treehouse vet final.jpg
spread from A Book For Bear, published by Flamingo Books
spread from A Book For Bear, published by Flamingo Books
dog walker squarespace.jpg
When I was 3 or 4, my Star Wars obsessed Dad thought I was the perfect size to dress up as Yoda for Halloween. Lucky little me :)
When I was 3 or 4, my Star Wars obsessed Dad thought I was the perfect size to dress up as Yoda for Halloween. Lucky little me :)
kittens final.jpg
snow vampire.jpg
Coming October 1st, 2024
Coming October 1st, 2024
The Scariest Kitten In The World, written by Kate Messner
The Scariest Kitten In The World, written by Kate Messner
illo 1 final for print.jpg
A Vampire's Christmas
A Vampire's Christmas
ghosties version.jpg
page from Not Pop-Pop, published by WaterBrook, writen by Angela De Groot
page from Not Pop-Pop, published by WaterBrook, writen by Angela De Groot
illo 2.jpg
sun illo vamp.jpg
spread from Pega Sisters Go To Camp
spread from Pega Sisters Go To Camp
world oceans day.jpg
take your houseplant for a walk day
take your houseplant for a walk day
sad meal squarespace.jpg
charlotte's web try.jpg
vamp chair.jpg
penguin in chair.jpg
illo 3 cropped.jpg
dr norman.jpg
bring your pet to school day
Cover for ARLO
pengy wall 3.jpg
treehouse vet final.jpg
spread from A Book For Bear, published by Flamingo Books
dog walker squarespace.jpg
When I was 3 or 4, my Star Wars obsessed Dad thought I was the perfect size to dress up as Yoda for Halloween. Lucky little me :)
kittens final.jpg
snow vampire.jpg
Coming October 1st, 2024
The Scariest Kitten In The World, written by Kate Messner
illo 1 final for print.jpg
A Vampire's Christmas
ghosties version.jpg
page from Not Pop-Pop, published by WaterBrook, writen by Angela De Groot
illo 2.jpg
sun illo vamp.jpg
spread from Pega Sisters Go To Camp
world oceans day.jpg
take your houseplant for a walk day
sad meal squarespace.jpg
charlotte's web try.jpg
vamp chair.jpg
penguin in chair.jpg
illo 3 cropped.jpg
dr norman.jpg
bring your pet to school day
Cover for ARLO
spread from A Book For Bear, published by Flamingo Books
When I was 3 or 4, my Star Wars obsessed Dad thought I was the perfect size to dress up as Yoda for Halloween. Lucky little me :)
Coming October 1st, 2024
The Scariest Kitten In The World, written by Kate Messner
A Vampire's Christmas
page from Not Pop-Pop, published by WaterBrook, writen by Angela De Groot
spread from Pega Sisters Go To Camp
take your houseplant for a walk day
show thumbnails